What it is
A 5-day programme for teaching music in schools
The Electronic School Concert is an inclusive music education programme for 9-12-year-olds. Each student receives an iPad with music apps. Then, they follow structured lessons built on creative tasks within rhythm, form, melody and improvisation. At last, students form ensembles in which they create and later perform their music in front of family and friends at a local venue with iPads as their instruments.
The programme covers the essential music creation field from the Danish school curriculum. It aims for every student in the class to be musically creative and expressive, regardless of their prior musical competencies. To date, 22 Danish school classes have completed the course.
A Democratic Vision
Our vision is that all students get equal, democratic opportunities to learn to express themselves creatively through music. However, inclusive music education is challenging to offer via traditional teaching. Therefore, we have made several unconventional choices regarding pedagogy, premises, technology, and teaching structure. E.g. teaching takes place in classrooms with iPads rather than in the music rooms with prerequisite instruments such as drums, pianos and guitars. We also ask ourselves whether music rooms invisibly divide students according to gender and cultural norms. We‘d like you to read more about our inclusive music education ideas under Vision and Mission.
How to run the programme
What is this course’s outcome, and how can it run in a class? Please listen to students’ statements in the documentary video above and get details in the section Info for schools.
Imagine that during just five days, every student is deeply engaged in creating their music together without extensive practice on traditional instruments like a guitar. A high level of commitment is achieved, i.e., through carefully planned progression, freedom to immerse in creative details, and a calm teaching environment where students use headphones part of the time. Each lesson has the same pedagogic format and is centred around a clear, manageable creative assignment, leading to the next lesson’s topic. Click the button for more info.
The Electronic School Concert gives an unusually firm idea of how creativity can be brought into focus in primary school music education. The concept focuses on writing music in groups (…) They get first-hand insight into the artistic process in a way that I have not seen so successfully in classroom teaching before.
Henrik Sveidahl · Principal of Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Denmark
News And Mentions
Large project to awaken the joy of music in more children in Vestegnen
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Good Music Learning Environments – Conference Report
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School Concert On iPads: Music Teaching Without Sheets
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